If you’ve got an invitation to the wedding, there is something else to consider except the clothes you’ll be wearing – presents.
Back in the past, wedding gifts served to help people to start their own life. So, the majority of the presents were household appliances that the new couple lacked of. Nowadays, couples marry in different life stages, and some of them already have their apartments, children, etc., so it may be challenging to choose the gift for them.
So, here is a simple guide on wedding gift etiquette – what to do and what to avoid!
Do – Check the Wedding Gifts Registry
Making a wedding gift registry is a convenient trend that simplifies this wedding aspect for both guests and couples. Couples get what they need or want and guests don’t have to think about presents.
If the couple has a wedding website, there is usually a wedding gifts registry and you can check it there. In some cultures, it is common for a couple to file a registry at several stores. The guests are usually notified about the stores, which makes choosing wedding gifts even simpler.
Do – Give Cash
Giving cash is a safe alternative when there is no wedding gifts registry. That way, couples can use the money and invest it in something they want.
However, because giving cash isn’t a personal gift, make sure to get a card to sign and write your wishes. You can put the money in the envelope, seal it and bring it to the wedding reception.
Also, giving cash is a great alternative, if you don’t want to buy the presents listed on the registry.
Do – Send a Gift even if you Cannot Attend the Wedding
Whatever the reason might be that stops you from attending the wedding, sending the gift is considered polite in all cultures. It is a nice way to congratulate the happy couple and to express gratitude for being invited to their wedding in the first place.
Don’t – Bring Large Present at the Wedding
If you have bought a bulky present, never bring it to the wedding. Ask the couple where to mail the present and do it before the wedding. That way, the couple doesn’t have to worry about shipping bulky items from the wedding place. It is a practical solution, especially if the wedding reception is at some unusual location.
Don’t – Worry about the Budget
There isn’t a rule on how much money you need to spend on the wedding gift, so spend the money you can afford. Generally, people usually spend somewhere between 50 and 75 EUR for a coworker’s wedding and a bit more for a friend’s wedding.
If you are close with the couple, you can spend between 100 and 200 EUR.
Don’t – Bring the Same Present as You Got
Some people like to even things out when it comes to presents. But, if you are married and someone brought you a gift card or cash, don’t feel pressured to do the same. If you give the same amount of money as you got, it will leave the impression that you are paying back. Instead, you can buy a present that is of the same value or the one you got.
Don’t – Feel Obliged to Buy the Gift Alone
If you can group up with a couple more friends or coworkers to get a more expensive gift, then do it. Grouping up with other people might help you to choose a better present. But it can also be a bit stressful if many people are involved. Decide the amount of money everyone will chip in and who is in charge of collecting the money and sending the gift.
Bonus: Don’t Pay for Your Plate
The outdated rule stated that each guest needs to bring at least the amount of money the couple will spend for its chair. Don’t use this as a rule. Instead, bring the present you are the most comfortable with!
Next time you get an invitation to the wedding, don’t get stressed out because of the wedding gifts. Simple rules such as following a wedding gifts registry or giving cash, sending bulky presents, or grouping with other friends will simplify decision.